Thursday, 30 June 2011

New Project: IC hobby Progress Challenge

Hey guys I have entered the Inependent Characters Hobby Progress Challange. This is primaraly focused on the non gaming side which is a good thing. I always stress an army should be painted before playing it on the battlefield. There is not a lot worse in my opinion than after you have spent hours on your models that your oponent turns up with grey models.

Anyway off the rant. The army I have chose to build is Raven Guard the requirments are that the army should be 1850 and have at least a 400 point sideboard which doesn't have to be fitted into force org etc etc...

The List is as follows.

Raven Guard "Glass Hammer" 1850


Chaplian with Jump Pack


10man Tactical Squad

10man Tactical Squad

10man Tactical Squad
5 man Scout Squad

Fast Attack

5 man Venguard Veteran Squad (Lightning Claw, Storm Shield, Jump Packs)

10 man Assault Squad

10 man Assault Squad

Dedicated Transports

3x Drop Pods

The list itself is completly different to what I have ever played before. I normally play mech or Terminators so I left both of them out. I nicknamed the army glass hammer because it is potentially hard hitting but if you hit the wrong things with the wrong squads the list falls appart. It is also very fast. Very Eldar like...

My Sideboard was very hard to come to a good one but I think I got it.

  • 1-5 Venguard Veterans. Same layout as list. This allows me to expand further than 1850

  • Shadow Captain Karvydae. Forge World model which allows Assault Marines to be troops if the army has one Scout Squad

  • 2 x 10 man Assault Squads. These can be added in as troops in replacement of the tactical squads.
I have a link t0 the thread on the forum which is
The details of the list, tactics, and logic behind my list choices will be revealed in due course.

My first Article will be on Scouts and how you can possibly use them in your Space Marine Lists.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Bringing out an old army

Tonight at Guildford I'll be bringing back my old army. My old Space Marine army will be out on a one off match. Just to see how it will do. Hopefully it will be a good refresher to my hobby.

Guys give sending out your old armies a go and see how you do. Comment bellow...

Monday, 27 June 2011

My First 1750 army. A good playtest Army?

This article is to talk about my first 1750 40K army I collected Space Marines. This army has been to a few competitions and has had a 3rd place at 750 points. This army was chosen from buying the assault on Black Reach box set and built up to be a fine collection.

The question now is what do I do with this army now I have played it a lot of times and moved on from this list. It is quite simple. Use it as a playtest army for future armies.

How many times have you built an army and then got to games or tournaments and realised the army does not fit to suit? I know I have had this with my Necrons and it leads to having models that you do not use. A good alternative? Have an army which contains most types of units and copies the trend in 5th edition and get a friend to play out a game against your army list using spare models or even better models of a simular size to test how the army will work against different scenarios.

The Space Marine list I have above contains: A average HQ plain basic Captain, A 'death star' unit (terminators in a Land Raider), Deep Striking Units (Drop Pod, Dreadnought), Transports, and Infeltrating Scout Units. This will allow me think. How will my army deal with each scenario covered. My Imperial Guard Army was built with this in mind and also my project armies (Eldar and Raven Guard) are all playtested against this list.

Thought I would post this on here as a little suggestion of what you can do with armies that you have maybe sitting around gaining dust.

Do you think this list is a good playtest army? Comment bellow...

Saturday, 25 June 2011

New Blog

Hey my name is Ash and this is my new blog. I have not done one of these before so feel free to email me or comment about the layout of the site.

This is the page will consist of

Battle Reports
Hobby Updates
My new Hobby Challenge (from the Independent characters forum)
Tactics within different Army's

Also if your site wants advertising on here please let me know. I already have Promethean Games (who are an independent supplier of GW products at a discount of GW prices based in Bracknall, UK) and The Independent Characters Forum (Check out their forum and podcast).

More to come in the next few days as it's 00:23am here and I will need to be up for work tomorrow :)
